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Ethos & Brand Identity


Patience, perseverance, commitment, endeavour, determination, sacrifice and hard work.

Our branding embraces the rich history and mystique of Roman mosaics, with each of our wines expressed in the mosaic-styled label varying the tile colour, shape and orientation t match the aroma and flavour profile, and vine location within the vineyard.

Our brandmark is the mosaic eye, the seven tiles at the centre of the mosaic.

This mosaic eye reminds us of what it takes to keep focused on the task at hand – patience, perseverance, commitment, endeavour, determination, sacrifice and hard work.

Ensuring the end product is always in mind, we understand wine and life is a kaleidoscope of all the small things within and outside of our control.


Ancient Roman floor mosaic in the Saint Stevens Church at an archaeological site in Umm ar-Rasas, Jordan.
UNESCO World heritage site